Action » Stick Figures » Page 2
The stickfigures are a whole archive of its own, all games featuring those stickmen made out of simple lines.
Gods PlayingfieldKill more people playing god, at first you've only got a fist but there are a lot more attacks you can get later in the game.
Stickicide 3Third part already, many more ways to kill yourself and also slightly better animations. Run around and find the best way to commit stick...
Siftheads 3The 3th part of Siftheads gives you more action instead of just sniping. Enjoy your revenge after the (again) long intruductions.
Weapon FireA great shooter that gives you a lot of moves, try to jump over someone while shooting him! Zombie mode is my favorite.
Tactical AssasinReally an amazing snipergame with beautifully animated deaths. A must try, only a few missions to go through.
Siftheads 2Part 2 of The Siftheads games, a lot of improvement from part 1: better, more sniping, other action. great snipergame!
Dry FireProtect yourself (a cannon) against all people that attack you, has also a lot of upgrades to it!
RubbermanA small stickman ragdoll game, grab him by his head and throw him around, the blood is a bit too extreme maybe. The game is very laggy un...
S.W.A.T.Stickmen, Weapons And Tactics... Just a simple shooter with a stickman, hide and shoot the enemies.
Death By HingeAnother penguin adaption, this one is pretty original, smash the hinge as hard as you can to launch the victim!
One Man's DoomsdayA stickman fighter like so many, ultimate chaos! Enjoy the simple but addictive gameplay.
KnifeThere are tons of stickmen after you, fortunately you have got something they havent... A knife ofcourse!
Hired GunA more simplistic game than Clear Vision but it's the same nice style. Enjoy the nice jobs and sniper work.
Heliumhead RagdollA really small game with a stickfigure ragdoll that you can drag with the mouse, or float with the arrowkeys. Simple but so much fun.
Chav HunterYour missions start really easy but it will get more difficult for sure, you have to hunt chavs... Some drugdealers and more thugs