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Action » Torture

You can't imagine the horrible and sadistic things that can happen with (mostly) stickfigures.

Die in StyleDie in StyleAnother torture room, old one but still good, choose the stickman's way of dying. Something might go wrong... enjoy!
Whack Your BossWhack Your BossFind all the se7en bloody ways to whack your boss when he's disturbing you at your desk, have fun! Updated: 17 ways to kill him now!
Stick Figure Penalty ...Stick Figure Penalty Chamber 2One Prisoner. One Peanlty. 15 Choices. Get the stick in the penalty chamber and choose what way he will die.
Stick Figure Penalty ...Stick Figure Penalty Chamber 1Since the second part is really popular. Here's the 1st one. Old but still good, decide what way the stickman should die.
Torture The TrollfaceTorture The TrollfaceTorture a cartoon character, start off with just punching him with your fists. Score points to unlock new weapons like knives, guns and a...
Short LifeShort LifeGuide the hero through a series of obstacles, if you fail he'll die a violent death.
Interactive BuddyInteractive BuddyReal sadistic game! Torture your victim, earn money, and buy new powers, like: flamethrower, missiles, grenades and also some unusual stuff.
Torture Chamber 3Torture Chamber 3Use the different controls and finishing modes to kill the stickmen, not a lot of news in this version.
Tortur-O-MaticTortur-O-MaticPlay the interactive torture machine, guide a guy through a machine with painful traps. Hurt him as bad as possible before you reach the ...
Whack Your ExWhack Your ExAfter your boss you know can whack your ex! Different so called weapons, choose male or female...
Stickfigure Smash 3Stickfigure Smash 3A simple ragdoll simulation with lots of different modes and challenges.
Kreate a FatalityKreate a FatalityFinish your opponent in Mortal Kombat style. Excellent game. Use combinations of arrow-keys and the spacebar to make a move.
Naked Woman - Steep HillNaked Woman - Steep HillThis is the reason why women shouldnt always drive a bike, just see what can happen if they do!
Whack Your SoulmateWhack Your SoulmateAfter your boss and ex, you can now kill your soulmate... why? No idea, but it's a lot of fun...
Torture Chamber 2Torture Chamber 2Cause the stickman as much pain as possible before you let him die to get the most points out of it.
Saw IV - TrappedSaw IV - TrappedTry to free both men from the rooms by handing them the right objects at the right time.
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