Welcome to 666 Games, we serve you the most violent, brutal, sadistic and bloody browser games on the internet. Have fun but always keep in mind it's just digital violence!
Army - Car Killers - Mario - Ninja - Penguins - Playing God - Side Scrolling - Sniper - Stick Figures - Too Colorful - Torture - Tower Defence - TV Shows - Zombies
Army - Car Killers - Mario - Ninja - Penguins - Playing God - Side Scrolling - Sniper - Stick Figures - Too Colorful - Torture - Tower Defence - TV Shows - Zombies
View all Shooting Games or subcategories » Army - Side Scrolling - Sniper - Zombies
The Last Stand 2The (large) 2nd part of the zombie defence game, shoot the zombies, search for weapons and survivors. Excellent game!
Tactical Assasin Subs...Another Tactical Assasin that gives more sniping. The animations are okay and the game fun as always, maybe not as good as we all hoped for.
Dead ZedManage a group of survivors of the zombie apocalypse, create a search party that searches for survivors and new weapons while you defend ...
Thing Thing 3This is different from the Arena verions, here's more a storyline added to the game, small tip when you start, don't always go right, go up!
Endless Zombie RampageLoads of weapons to kill more zombie's. Really great looking and addictive! There's a save option so you can continue later.
Stick Metal SlugsVery good sticks war game, a lot of different weapons and a great gameplay that even asks for some tactics. You should try it!
Brainz!Another topview zombieshooter, don't forget to reload by pressing R! Upgrades and nice weapons are also available...
Boxhead The Zombie WarsA topview shooter, excellent gameplay, shoot hordes of zombies and construct a small base! Guide hero Jon Bambo through the levels of thi...
View all Action Games or subcategories » Ninja - Playing God - Stick Figures - Torture
Whack Your BossFind all the se7en bloody ways to whack your boss when he's disturbing you at your desk, have fun! Updated: 17 ways to kill him now!
Torture The TrollfaceTorture a cartoon character, start off with just punching him with your fists. Score points to unlock new weapons like knives, guns and a...
Short LifeGuide the hero through a series of obstacles, if you fail he'll die a violent death.
Rio RexDestroy the world and eat people while playing as a ferocious T-rex that can spew fire! Grab people and kill them for more points, use th...
Stickman Street FightingBattle other stick figures in this action brawler. You start off against a very easy opponent and gradually get to fight bigger opponents...
The Torture Game 2An extremely realistic ragdoll, tied up and ready to be killed. Amazing graphics and a lot of blood. Don't try this at home!
Happy WheelsRagdoll chaos in this classic physics game! Complete the level by riding through to the finish or let your character die in a horrible way!
Zombie Golf RiotSwing your chainsaw and smash the zombie s head as far as you can, very nice done. And yes, it IS possible to reach the pin.
View all Racing Games or subcategories » Car Killers
Mad MondayArcade racer, kill and destroy the city you're driving through. Shoot different vehicles on your way.
Fugitive TakedownKill people by running them over and avoid the cops. Drives very nice and the people really try to avoid you in this game.
Terror At 88 Mph!Another car killer, this one doesn't have a lot of specials just pure Carmageddon style fun. Change your radio by pressing the number keys.
Crazy ShuttleTry to hit as much people as possible with your car while being a taxidriver, really fun and gory game with those nice pixelly graphics.
Redlynx Trials Dynami...An explosive bike trials game with different modes/levels of playing, poor biker!
Deadly RaceRace over people, avoid and shoot down the cars and be the fastest. After each race you can upgrade your car. Very GTA-like...
Blood Car! 2000! Deluxe!Obviously another car killer. In this one the car slides maybe a bit too much. Very well animated though and has a nice feeling over it.
Diesel and DeathA nice motor game. Stunt, race and kill your way to the finish. Your best option is to kill your oponnent.
Cartoon Violence
View all Cartoon Violence Games or subcategories » Penguins - TV Shows
Bloody HellPlay as the devil and shoot down the incoming angels with your machinegun in this fast and frantic game.
Dumb Ways To DieThink fast and solve a bunch of short mini games, if you don't do it right, people will die!
Shoot Or DieA game of quick draw, beat your opponent with a faster reaction time to shoot him before he shoots you.
Penguin MassacreShoot the invading penguins in this arctic defense game. Keep shooting and upgrade your weapons and defenses by buying more shooters.
ZayoCool animal-shooter, no blood but the action is good. Not only shooting, also some puzzle features which makes it a nice ...
AlienhominidFight your way through a world full of cartoon violence!
ChainsawSlice some children with a chainsaw, very fast run and slice game!
PenguinzUnrivalled Penguin gore mayhem in this action packed shooter. 15 enemies and 4 bosses. 9 weapons with 33 upgrades and 6 special upgrades.
View all Puzzle Games or subcategories » Tower Defence
Zombie Tower Defense 3The third and highly inmproved zombiedefense game. 7 towers to build and upgrade.
2Q202Q20 is a dark point and click adventure where you guide a teenage girl around her house finding objects and clues to learn more about he...
Johnny Rocketfingers 2This is the very well done animated adventure of Johnny. Johnny is in big trouble when you start. It will take a while to load, 9Mb...
Invasion 2Train your army with hundreds of soldiers, archers and more. Build barracks, other buildings, and tear down the enemy's castle!
Orchestrated DeathPlay Death himself, or at least help him a little hand in this great point n click puzzle game. No connection between victims, just ruthl...
SynapsisA great point and click game with a dark and strange theme. It starts with just a mysterious cube...
Chain of FireTry to spread a fire, click one person, then move the mouse somewhere else to make the burning man running and light other people on fire...
When Penguins Attack TDSave the human race from the onslaught of the evil warmongering penguins. Build your towers to defend the base from arctic sea birds.